Nok Nok Labs has drawn up a helpful new infographic on the use cases for standards established by the Fast Identity Online (FIDO) Alliance. In a blog post, the FIDO co-founder explained that it wanted to illustrate “demand within specific vertical industries based on the security, privacy, compliance and usability challenges those industries face with authenticating consumers or employees today”.
The infographic highlights applications in the areas of eHealth, cloud services, banking and payments, retail and commerce, and government. It isn’t hard to find examples of deployments within each of these areas, such as cloud storage giant Dropbox’s recent embrace of the FIDO U2F standard; and indeed, last month the Alliance announced that its certification has been extended to 62 products. In its blog post, Nok Nok Labs also points to specific use cases such as Alipay’s implementation of FIDO standards for payments on Galaxy S5 devices.
Nok Nok Labs’ infographic also neatly summarizes the devices best suited for its standards – smartphones, PCs, tablets – and lists the authentication modalities that can be leveraged, which include fingerprint, retina, and voice biometrics, as well as token security and wearable devices. As increasingly important entities join the Alliance, with giants like ING and Intel having recently joined its board, and its first government members having recently signed on, FIDO’s standards will become all the more important and useful for companies looking for widely respected, consistent security solutions.
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