“The end result is an authentication system in which an end user takes pictures of the front and rear of a barcoded identity document, as well as a selfie; then, facial recognition technology compares the images to verify the user’s identity.”

Toronto-based Applied Recognition and New York’s Intellicheck are putting their heads together to offer a selfie-based authentication solution.
The companies are essentially licensing their technologies to each other, allowing both to combine Applied Recognition’s biometric facial recognition with Intellicheck’s barcode reading technology. The end result is an authentication system in which an end user takes pictures of the front and rear of a barcoded identity document, as well as a selfie; then, facial recognition technology compares the images to verify the user’s identity.
Selfie-based authentication is an increasingly popular approach thanks in large part to the ubiquity of camera-equipped smartphones. Applied Recognition and Intellicheck’s combined solution could distinguish itself with its incorporation of barcode reading technology.
In a statement announcing the partnership, Applied Recognition Co-CEO Ray Ganong said, “We believe our advanced fraud protection solutions will reduce online account-opening fraud dramatically while simultaneously improving the user experience.”
The companies say they are aiming their solution primarily at the financial services and retail markets, and that it will be offered in the form of Software-as-a-Service, mobile SDKs, or on a usage-based model.
(Originally posted on FindBiometrics)
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