The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has published the second draft of its Digital Identity Guidelines (SP 800-63 Revision 4 and related documents), inviting public comment on the updated framework designed to enhance secure access to services while accommodating a broad range of identification methods.

The updated guidelines reflect extensive feedback from stakeholders, aiming to balance security with accessibility. Notably, the revisions include expanded guidance on emerging technologies such as syncable authenticators (passkeys) and digital wallets, which offer both enhanced security and convenience. Additionally, the guidelines address the need to maintain access for those who use traditional identification methods, such as in-person identity proofing, and offer support for individuals who may lack standard identification documents.
NIST has also refined its approach to biometric verification within the guidelines, emphasizing the importance of accuracy, privacy, and providing alternative options to ensure inclusivity.
The Digital Identity Guidelines have evolved significantly since their initial release in 2004 as the “Electronic Authentication Guideline.” The 2017 update (SP 800-63-3) was a major overhaul that introduced new concepts like Identity Assurance Level (IAL), Authenticator Assurance Level (AAL), and Federation Assurance Level (FAL), while reorganizing the guidelines into four documents covering different aspects of digital identity management.
With the ongoing development of Revision 4, NIST is addressing the rapidly changing digital landscape and incorporating emerging technologies. The first draft of this revision was released in December 2022, and following significant feedback – including nearly 4,000 comments from 140 organizations and individuals – the second draft has now been made available for further public review.
NIST is accepting public comments on the draft guidelines until October 7, 2024, and has scheduled a webinar on August 28, 2024, to discuss the latest updates.
August 23, 2024 – by the Mobile ID World Editorial Team
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