Facial recognition technology developer Applied Recognition has unveiled a new app that will automate picture-tagging on mobile devices, according to a new article by Jackie Dove on The Next Web. Dubbed FotoTiger, the app is launching first on the Android operating system, and will be coming to iOS early next year.
The company says that the technology in play, which is tailored to mobile devices, can scan images in a fraction of a second regardless of resolution, because it’s optimized to find faces, and face signatures aren’t big. So anytime a user takes a photo, FotoTiger will scan it and identify anyone in it whose face matches a database based on the user’s Facebook contacts. It does this locally, on the user’s phone, so there’s no risk of privacy breaches with this kind of information being transmitted to a remote server.
While Apple has pioneered the way in mobile adoption of fingerprint-scanning biometrics, this development might put Android ahead of the game in facial recognition software; this is the same platform that has introduced the “face unlock” system for its mobile users. Read more about FotoTiger on TNW.
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