Zighra’s behavioral authenticator has received official FIDO certification. The feat should help advance the cause of passwordless authentication, insofar as the mobile authenticator is the first behavioral authenticator with the approval of the FIDO Alliance.

Like other behavioral biometric solutions, the Zighra authenticator analyzes a number of different factors to build a unique behavioral profile of the user. It then supplements those softer biometric traits with hard biometrics to provide an additional layer of security. The mobile authenticator is available as an app that can run in the background to provide continuous authentication for those accessing various workplace resources. The Zighra solution lets an employee log into or lock those systems, even when they are doing so remotely.
The algorithms in the biometric authenticator can run entirely on-device, which means that biometric and sensor data does not need to leave the device to verify that person’s identity. In that regard, Zighra offers greater privacy protections than behavioral authenticators that process data in a centralized location. The solution is compliant with international data protection regulations like GDPR and the California Consumer Privacy Act.
“With FIDO certification, Zighra adds tremendous value to meet the growing contactless-access needs of current and post-COVID work and lifestyles,” said Zighra CEO Deepak Dutt. “Our unique, patented solution provides powerful security controls to continuously protect enterprises and users, across devices, all with a seamless experience.”
Zighra has been working toward FIDO authentication since at least 2018, when the company announced that it was adapting its passive on-device authentication platform to meet the then-new FIDO2 standard. The company noted that biometrics can help eliminate many of the vulnerabilities associated with passwords, which remain the cause of most data breaches.
For its part, the FIDO Alliance recently unveiled a new Device Onboard protocol to promote better security in IoT environments. The open-standard protocol addresses the way an IoT device connects to other cloud management platforms.
(Originally posted on FindBiometrics)
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