Frost & Sullivan is singing the praises of Dresden-based Cognitec, recognizing the biometrics specialist with the 2019 Global Customer Value Leadership Award.
The award is intended for companies that implement strategies to increase value and ROI for their customers, and was bestowed to this year’s winner in recognition of Cognitec’s FaceVACS line of biometric solutions.
In a statement announcing the award win, Frost & Sullivan industry analyst Nandini Bhattacharya asserted that “Cognitec is the only company in the world with a singular focus on building top-notch facial recognition products, including a face recognition camera and eGate panels.” Bhattacharya went on to praise Cognitec’s solutions for delivering “optimal quality that make real-time face recognition possible even under difficult conditions and without requiring substantial bandwidth resources or hardware components.”
As for Cognitec’s efforts to increase value for customers – the key metric for this Frost & Sullivan award – the company recently upgraded its B12 facial recognition algorithm, resulting in a strong performance in testing with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). All of Cognitec’s FaceVACS solutions use this algorithm, meaning the upgrade has fundamentally improved all of them.
And looking ahead, Frost & Sullivan’s Bhattacharya suggested that more recognition could be in store for Cognitec in the future. “The products are well positioned to experience greater application growth with continuing technological developments,” she said.
(Originally posted on FindBiometrics)
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