FundOf is partnering with Onfido to verify the identities of the content creators using its platform. Anyone who signs up for an account will be asked to take a selfie and a picture of a photo ID, and Onfido’s technology will compare the two to ensure that they are a match.

FundOf itself is designed to help content creators monetize their work, without forcing them to put that work behind a paywall. The platform allows them to post links to social media outlets like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, and gives them a simple way to collect tips from fans across all of those channels. Fans do not need to set up a FundOf account to leave a tip, and can instead make a one-time contribution without signing up for a regular subscription.
Creators on FundOf can accept tips in Bitcoin, and via credit card in all major international currencies. Onfido’s identity verification services will let fans know that their favorite creator is in fact the person they claim to be, and that their money is being distributed accordingly. It will also make it more difficult to set up a fake account for fraud and money laundering purposes.
“The content creation industry has exploded during the Covid pandemic, becoming a $40 billion industry, as people have turned to supplementing their income by monetizing their online content,” said FundOf Co-Founder Fredrik Rodievis. “Thanks to Onfido, we can now ensure that anyone receiving money through the FundOf platform is a genuine author and not a bad actor.”
“As more people get into creating their own content, it’s important that their contributions are rewarded in a transparent and legitimate way,” added Onfido Chief Product Officer Kevin Trilli. “We’re excited to partner with FundOf to help deliver a safe environment for the monetary exchange between content creators and their followers.”
FundOf is the brainchild of a group of entrepreneurs from Europe and Japan. Onfido, meanwhile, recently provided biometric onboarding services for the Salesforce AppExchange and the LocalBitcoins cryptocurrency platform. The FundOf partnership gives the company a strong start to the new year, and suggests that Onfido is poised to build on its record growth in 2020.
(Originally posted on FindBiometrics)
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