The Haryana Cabinet has approved mandatory Aadhaar authentication for candidates taking examinations for Group A and B government posts conducted by the Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC). The decision came during a cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Sh Nayab Singh Saini.
The new requirement mandates that candidates complete Aadhaar authentication during the registration process on the HPSC portal. The measure aims to prevent impersonation by ensuring only genuine candidates participate in the recruitment examinations. The initiative follows the UIDAI’s recent expansion of authentication options, which includes facial recognition capabilities for identity verification.
Aadhaar, India’s biometric identity system, has been increasingly integrated into government services and verification processes since its launch in 2009. The system assigns residents a unique 12-digit identification number linked to their demographic and biometric data, including fingerprints, iris scans, and facial photographs. The system has proven particularly effective in preventing fraud, with India’s digital benefits system alone reportedly saving $40 billion through enhanced verification measures.
The adoption of Aadhaar authentication for Haryana’s Group A and B examinations reflects a broader national trend toward digital identity verification in public sector recruitment. Similar measures have been adopted by other state governments and institutions to maintain examination integrity. The move supports India’s broader digital transformation efforts, which have included the implementation of electronic Know Your Customer (eKYC) systems across various government services.
The authentication requirement will apply to all candidates seeking positions in Group A and B categories, which typically include senior administrative and technical roles in the state government. The HPSC will integrate the Aadhaar verification step into its existing registration platform, using the UIDAI’s secure authentication infrastructure that has become central to India’s digital identity ecosystem.
Sources: Babushahi
Sources: Zee News
Sources: Latestly
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