“With the manufacturing standards achieved, and the capacity of the production line, I am confident that biometric smart cards are ready for mass production and volume delivery to customers.” – Stan Swearingen, CEO, IDEX Biometrics

IDEX Biometrics has achieved an important milestone in the biometric payment cards race, thanks to one of its customers. The company has announced that one of its clients in Asia “has achieved cost-effective, mass production standards for biometric smart cards.”
The customer had recently ordered IDEX Biometrics’ SmartFinger fingerprint sensor solution for dual interface cards, and IDEX says that the biometric smart card for which it has achieved manufacturing standards is identical to biometric payment cards in terms of its manufacturing process. That means that IDEX is effectively positioned to go into mass production for biometric payment cards, which are expected to be the next wave in the payments industry.
“With the manufacturing standards achieved, and the capacity of the production line, I am confident that biometric smart cards are ready for mass production and volume delivery to customers,” commented IDEX Biometrics CEO Stan Swearingen in a statement announcing the development. “The ability to manufacture to these standards with our sensors will be a competitive differentiator for IDEX and will facilitate other card manufacturers around the world to follow.”
Biometric payment cards have been the key focus area for IDEX Biometrics in recent years, with the company having recently celebrated an Australian patent win for its biometric smart cards. And the company says that its standards-achieving client is globally renowned and has a range of customers across financial services, business, and the government sector, suggesting that IDEX is likely to reap some significant rewards from its client’s success.
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