The Indian government has launched a new feature called “Report and Check Suspect” on its National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal, introducing a searchable database of known cyber scammers. The initiative builds upon India’s broader cybersecurity efforts, which recently included blocking over 669,000 fraudulent SIM cards as part of its national strategy. The database, maintained by the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C), allows users to search for suspicious actors using identifiers including UPI ID, mobile numbers, email addresses, and social media handles.
The system specifically targets digital arrest scams, where criminals impersonate senior police officers or government officials to extort money from victims by claiming they are under “digital arrest.” Users can access the database through by selecting their preferred search identifier type to verify if a contact matches known fraudulent actors. The verification system complements India’s recent expansion of its Unified Payments Interface (UPI), which has made digital transactions more accessible but also created new opportunities for fraud.
“Using the feature, an individual can now search the ‘Suspect Repository’ if there is any suspicious conversation or transaction to validate if the person on the other side of the transaction is already identified as a scamster or fraudster,” said Vikram Babbar, Partner at EY Forensic & Integrity Services. “This makes the search very convenient and comprehensive as this helps in identifying most of the current fraud types.”
I4C has established partnerships with major technology companies including Google and Facebook to share threat intelligence and block illegal digital lending applications. The collaborations aim to address the misuse of platforms like Google’s Firebase and combat Android banking malware. The initiative comes as India strengthens its digital financial infrastructure, with companies like M2P Fintech implementing enhanced KYC measures to improve security in digital lending.
The Ministry of Home Affairs has implemented additional measures, including a Cyber Volunteer Framework that enables citizens to participate in reporting unlawful online content and promoting cyber hygiene. The ministry has also deployed the Citizen Financial Cyber Frauds Reporting and Management System (CFCFRMS), designed to expedite action against financial fraud attempts. These efforts support India’s broader push toward secure digital transactions, which includes mandatory multi-factor authentication for various government services starting in 2025.
Sources: Economic Times, Economic Times, Tax Management India, Think With Niche
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