Crossfire Media and TMC have announced the program for the next IoT Evolution Conference and Expo. The event is scheduled to take place in Las Vegas from July 11th to July 14th.
It’s one of the few major international conferences for the emerging Internet of Things, offering stakeholders and interested parties the opportunity to really start to flesh out the IoT ecosystem. In a statement announcing the event, Crossfire Media CEO Carl Ford said it offers “one of our most exciting and compressive IoT Evolution Conference and Expo agendas,” adding, “Our goal is to show all the opportunities for success with IoT.”
The event will feature keynote speeches from major companies like VMware, AT&T, and Goodyear, and will comprise four major themes: Connected Transportation, Connected Home and Building, IoT Developers, and Fog Computing, Analytics and Data. Crossfire Media and TMC have also suggested that the event will feature “an Enterprise IoT and an IoT Security track,” and said that there will be four special events: “Battle of the Platforms, Business Impact Awards, IoT Evolution Case Study Theatre and the IoT Certification Series.”
While all of these various topics will interest many attendees, the emphasis on security and potential ‘IoT Certification’ could prove particularly important. The wide diversity of IoT devices and infrastructure has long worried security experts and industry analysts concerned about interoperability, but with IoT Evolution putting a real spotlight on these issues, it could provide a valuable forum through which stakeholders can be more proactive on these matters, which will be good not just for end users, but for everyone’s bottom line.
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