Mastercard has been certified as an identity provider under the UK’s Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework (DIATF), allowing it to offer “ID”, its digital identity service, to domestic organizations. The ID app is designed to enable the creation, management, and verification of identities digitally, giving consumers more options and control over how they prove their identity.
The DIATF establishes rules and standards to establish trust in digital identity solutions, allowing certified organizations to collaborate to ensure that digital attributes and identities are consistent and trusted. Mastercard says it has been working to scale ID globally since 2019, and has partnered with several companies, including Samsung, Microsoft, and Optus, to provide ID to customers.
The United Kingdom’s regulated approach to digital identity frameworks has helped to stoke the ID tech sector’s interest in the country. Yoti, a London-based identity verification provider, recently announced a partnership with Konfir to provide identity verification services for employee background checks. Mitek also partnered with Vetting.com to offer background checks, led by its HooYu division, which received certification under the Digital Identity Certification Scheme framework.
In addition, Onfido received H1A certification under the UK Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework, adding to its certification as a Digital Identity Service Provider in October of last year. These developments indicate that the UK’s regulatory approach has encouraged digital identity innovation, which could lead to the rapid adoption of new solutions to boost economic activity.
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