Nymi has shared the results of a survey that suggests that most people are ready to embrace wearables in the workplace. The Toronto-based company polled just under 2,000 American consumers over the age of 18 between November 13 and November 17, 2020.
The results showed that the majority of those consumers are aware of the safety and efficiency benefits of wearable technology. Seventy-seven percent of the respondents indicated that they would be willing to wear an employer-issued wristband, especially if that band had a form factor similar to that of a fitness band that they might use in their personal life. They also showed an interest in features like social distancing alerts and contactless, passwordless access control.
The respondents did express some concern about privacy when asked about a band that could collect user data. However, 91 percent of the original 77 confirmed that would still be willing to wear a band that collected data once learning that they can opt out of data collection, and have the ability to delete that data.
While younger workers are more likely to use a wearable device like a fitness band in their day-to-day lives, members of all age groups were equally willing to embrace wearables in the workplace. As it stands, 64 percent of consumers between the ages of 18-24 would use a personal wearable at home, compared to only 51 percent of those 55 and over.
“Wearable technologies play an important role both in how employers ensure safe, touchless returns to workplaces and incorporate more efficient ways of completing daily tasks, such as logging into work systems through the tap of a band,” said Nymi CEO Chris Sullivan. “Making employees feel safe and comfortable at work isn’t just about preventing them from catching COVID-19 or getting in an accident. Companies have a responsibility to make technology decisions that will give workers full data privacy.”
Nymi launched the latest version of its biometric wristband in September. The company is now trying to find new industrial applications through its Partner Program, and has added support for ELATEC readers and the Ping Intelligent Identity Platform with that in mind.
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