VeriTran is now taking advantage of Sensory Inc. biometric technology for its clients.
The company offers technology solutions to the retail and financial industries, with a particular focus on mobile tech. It claims dozens of clients, including one of Mexico’s biggest banks; and those clients will now have access to Sensory’s TrulySecure authentication technology. That means they can enable FIDO-certified face- and voice-based authentication of their customers without the need for any special hardware beyond what’s found on a standard smartphone.
In a statement announcing the collaboration, VeriTran CEO Marcelo González alluded to the growing excitement around biometrics in the world of financial services, asserting that “[b]iometric authentication has become a hot topic among our customers,” adding that some have already developed mobile banking apps leveraging TrulySecure authentication.
This latest development arrives soon after Sensory’s announcements of high-profile partnerships with the Alexa Voice Service team and Samsung SDS Solutions, suggesting building momentum for the company.
(Originally posted on FindBiometrics)
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