Rugged electronics developer AMREL has launched a new handheld device. Called ROCKY DF7A, the handheld boasts of a light weight, economic power use, and, of course, durability.
ROCKY DF7A runs on Android 4.1.2, optimized for low SWaP – Size, Weight, and Power. And like AMREL’s other speciality devices, it’s extremely durable; in a press release, the company asserted that the handheld “has successfully survived severe environmental testing for shock, vibration, altitude, high/low temperature and other challenging stressors.” It also has an impressive number of connecting ports, with SMA connectors on its top, RS232, MLAN, USB, and VGA connectors on its bottom, and a Micro SD/SIM port on one of its sides. That speaks to the device’s versatility, and indeed, continuing a previously established strategy, the company is aiming it at a wide variety of use cases, from mining to meter reading to battlefield communication.
Rugged devices are AMREL’s specialty, and ROCKY DF7A follows very closely on the heels of the company’s recently-launched Flexpedient AT80 rugged tablet. Its previous handheld, the APEX AH52, came out last spring.
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