This week at Mobile ID World, commerce took center stage as we started to prepare for the second annual Biometrics UnPlugged event in Tampa, Florida. Along with our sister site, findBIOMETRICS, we have entered The Road to Biometrics UnPlugged: a summer long series of features chosen to shed some light on the fast approaching summit. First up for examination is the topic of next generation commerce, so as is usual on week one, we published a primer on the topic.
Samsung announced its second smartphone with an embedded fingerprint sensor this week. The Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini, just like its larger and slightly more powerful counterpart, features a biometric sensor below the screen that can authenticate a user’s access with the swipe of a digit. Fingerprint sensors on a more cost-accessible phone means more biometrics in the palm of consumer hands, and since this is Samsung we’re talking about it also means more mCommerce.
Speaking of smartphones, biometrics and payment, Sebastien Taveau, chief evangelist at Synaptics, mentioned the importance of mobility in the retail sector when giving an interview to the National Retail Federation.
“I don’t think the model will be paying with a fingerprint at a cash register,” said Taveau. “That was tried, and there was some pushback from consumers. The consumer point of view involving payments is they likely are going to be more comfortable having the fingerprint validated on their own smartphone or device so they can control it.”
Early in the week, we saw evidence that the competition for your authentication is heating up when it comes to the pockets of consumers. Sensory announced TrulySecure: a new biometric solution optimized for smartphones, tablets and PC platforms. A software-based multi-factor product, Sensory’s new technology suit is aimed at bringing accessibility to the consumer logical access control market, taking aim at fingerprint solutions with it’s voice and face recognition offering.
Finally, Toyota took the idea of mobile identity management and drove with it, showing off its Driver Awareness Vehicle at the Aspen Ideas Festival. The automotive manufacturer hosted an exhibit titled “Experience the Future of Mobility” where the vehicle was present, throwing the spotlight on in-car full body scan biometrics courtesy of Microsoft Kinect technology.
Stay tuned to Mobile ID World this coming week as we continue down the Road To Biometrics UnPlugged and be sure to follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with the latest in mobile identity.
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