iProov will be providing liveness detection for itsme’s mobile onboarding solution. Like other remote onboarding solutions, itsme verifies new users with a combination of face and document recognition, comparing a person’s face with the image on a photo ID to make sure that the two are a match.

The partnership with iProov will help streamline that process, and allow itsme to start expanding beyond the Belgian market. In that regard, Belgian Mobile ID launched itsme back in 2017, and received accreditation as a valid form of digital identity in the country a year later in 2018. The company has rapidly gained traction in Belgium in the years since, and is now used by more than 150 companies and a full 35 percent of the Belgian population.
For its part, iProov will be outfitting itsme with its Genuine Presence Assurance technology, which delivers passive liveness detection that makes sure that the proper user is present without forcing them to complete arbitrary tasks like nodding or speaking a phrase. The arrangement will help itsme meet Europe’s high-level eIDAS security requirements, which could previously only be achieved with an in-person appointment or a video call.
Meeting the eIDAS standard will allow itsme to raise its profile in Europe and elsewhere. That expansion is already underway, with the company revealing that its solution will now be available to users in the Netherlands.
“itsme has successfully driven the uptake of digital identity in Belgium, so it’s a pleasure and privilege to be partnering on a solution for the Netherlands,” said iProov Founder and CEO Andrew Bud. “This is yet another demonstration that iProov is the technology of choice for Europe’s leading eIDAS providers.”
“We needed a technology partner to support our mission to make secure digital identities available to everyone,” added itsme CEO Stephanie De Bruyne. “iProov was the obvious choice. They hold privacy and security in the highest regard and offer the future-proof, cutting-edge technology that will enable us to identify users internationally,”
Signicat previously added itsme to its own Digital Identity Platform in 2018. iProov, meanwhile, recently provided liveness detection for Jumio’s KYX platform, and lists the Australian Taxation Office and the US Department of Homeland Security amongst its current government clients.
(Originally posted on FindBiometrics)
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