FindBiometrics and Mobile ID World are reporting live from Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, where biometrics are everywhere, sparking conversation and controlling venue access.
Strong authentication and biometric technology fits into nearly every key trend at MWC this year, bringing security and convenience to smart cars, credit cards, touch screens and the latest flagship smartphone from Samsung, the Galaxy S9.

FindBiometrics President Peter O’Neill is taking the opportunity to capture the moment with live audio interviews from the show floor. Interviewing key industry players – from biometric vendors, to standards consortia, to the GSMA itself – O’Neill is helping bring the digital identity excitement from Barcelona to you.
Follow the links below to hear industry leaders from around the globe discuss mobility, identity and the future of biometrics. Check back frequently as we update the list with new Mobile World Congress audio interviews.
Torgny Hellström, Chairman, Precise Biometrics
Glenn Tinley, President and Founder, MEXIA Interactive
Carl-Michael Heüveldop, Consultant for Aware
Richard Hayton, CTO, Trustonic
Samuel Choi, Senior Sales Manager, Suprema
John Atkinson, VP, MicroStrategy
Fabrice Jogand-Coulomb, Mobile Solutions Strategy, HID Global
Andrew Shikiar, Senior Director of Marketing, FIDO Alliance
Mark Clifton, CEO, Princeton Identity
David Pollington Head of Application Services and Technology, GSMA
Christian Fredrikson, CEO, Fingerprint Cards
Guillaume Yribarren, VP, IDEMIA
Mohammed Murad Vice President of Sales and Business Development, MWC 2018
Mark Virnig, Director, Product Management – Mobile, ImageWare
Clive Bourke President EMEA and APAC, Daon
Stay posted to FindBiometrics and Mobile ID World throughout the week as we continue to bring you mobile biometrics news and interviews straight from MWC 2018 in Barcelona.
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