“… Synaptics has disclosed that it has lent Anker a hand, with the Genie featuring its AudioSmart voice and audio processing solution.”
The Eufy Genie device that is taking aim at Amazon’s Echo features Synaptics far-field voice technology, the company has revealed.
Built by China-based Anker, the Eufy Genie came to light earlier this month. Like Amazon’s Echo devices, it’s essentially a small speaker system designed to respond to user commands and connect with other smart home devices. Also like the Amazon Echo, it features a sophisticated AI system – the same one, in fact, with the Genie using Amazon’s Alexa AI assistant as its own.
Now, Synaptics has disclosed that it has lent Anker a hand, with the Genie featuring its AudioSmart voice and audio processing solution. Commenting in a statement, Anker CEO Steven Yang said the collaboration with Synaptics gave Anker “the unique ability to tap into their engineering expertise to make our Eufy Genie perform as well as competing Alexa-enabled solutions.” Yang added that AudioSmart helped Anker to design a device with “a smaller form factor and a consumer-friendly price-point.”
Indeed, given the Genie’s similarities to the Amazon Echo, and particularly the Amazon Echo Dot, its cheaper price (at $35, compared to the Dot’s $50) represents its key advantage. And given that Synaptics technology helped Anker to attain that advantage, the Genie’s use of the AudioSmart dual-microphone solution could bring Synaptics some further interest from other third party developers looking to take advantage of Alexa and other voice-based AI technologies.
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