The FIDO Alliance is now certifying qualified IT professionals. The organization first announced the FIDO Certified Professional Program in October, positioning it as a way to distinguish cybersecurity experts who have the knowledge needed to implement secure systems that are built to FIDO standards.

Now, the Alliance is finally opening the program up to the general public. Those who are interested are welcome to apply to the Certified Professional Testing Program, in which they will need to pass an exam to demonstrate their expertise. The exam is being administered by Professional Testing, and was put together by a group of industry insiders associated with the Alliance.
The individuals who developed the test were also some of the first to receive formal FIDO certification. The first batch includes representatives from Apiiro, IBM, HYPR, Target, and Warby Parker in addition to the FIDO Alliance.
According to the Alliance, the FIDO Certified Professional Testing Program is open to anyone involved in the cybersecurity industry in some capacity. That includes the people who run access management programs, as well as the architects and engineers who design and build the systems. The Alliance believes that those with certification will be more appealing to prospective employers, and have access to more lucrative job opportunities in their chosen field.
“The FIDO Certified Professional Program stands to be a powerful tool in orchestrating the next phase of mass migration to more robust, modern authentication infrastructures,” said FIDO Alliance Executive Director and CMO Andrew Shikiar. “With more experts on the ground, we can keep empowering businesses all over the world to break their dependence on passwords — enabling greater security and enhanced user experience.”
The Alliance is hoping that the program will help meet the growing demand for qualified IT professionals, and ensure that organizations have security infrastructure that meets their own particular needs. The FIDO standard is widely recognized as a best-practice for multi-factor authentication, and organizations that adhere to it can mitigate the threat of phishing and other forms of cybercrime. The Security Industry Association also introduced a new Security Industry Cybersecurity Certification credential in May of 2021.
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