HID Global has updated its Public Key Infrastructure-as-a-Service (PKIaaS) platform to better support Microsoft’s Autoenrollment protocol. The company noted that 44 percent of the identity and access market runs on the Microsoft Azure Directory, and the improved Autoenrollment feature will make it easier for those organizations to manage their certificates.

To that end, the PKIaaS solution covers the full certificate lifecycle, from issuance to renewal and (if necessary) replacement or revocation. Organizations can manage those certificates manually, though the PKIaaS platform can also automate all of those procedures to minimize the administrative burden. Either way, the certificates are managed through a centralized Account Certificate Manager, which helps simplify the process and reduces the risk of errors.
HID PKIaaS can be used to protect any interaction that requires a strong root of trust, including emails, e-signatures, and online payments. The cloud-based solution can scale to cover all devices connected to an organization’s broader network. The Microsoft Autoenrollment connector makes it easier to bring a new device under that umbrella, and those endpoints do not need to be configured at the device level. As a result, organizations do not need to update their infrastructure, and can instead take advantage of existing hardware.
The PKIaaS offering is designed to run out of the box, and offers built-in support for the SCEP, EST, and ACME management protocols in addition to the Azure Directory. It also comes with RESTful APIs that allow developers to integrate the platform with other third-party solutions.
HID PKIaaS is available as a subscription service. The HID Hydrant Account Certificate Manager that comes with the platform formally debuted in March, and leverages PKI technology that HID Global obtained through its 2019 acquisition of HydrantID. The company also released an ACM Certificate Enrollment Extension in May to support Chromebook devices.
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