HID Global is trying to make it easier for European businesses to comply with the strict data protection regulations in the European Union. To that end, the company will give European clients using its Public Key Infrastructure as a Service (PKIaaS) solution the ability to choose where data associated with the platform gets stored as a core part of the service.

In plain terms, that means that HID Global’s European clients can choose to store their information exclusively in data centers or cloud environments located within the European Union. As a result, HID Global can guarantee that they will be compliant with laws that require that all user data be stored locally on the continent. The service will ensure redundancy of data, while ensuring that that data remains readily available to the enterprise.
HID Global is anticipating that its European business will increase in the next few years. The company’s data will be stored through Amazon Web Services, and at select hosted data centers scattered throughout the EU. The PKI service itself automates the private issuing and management of trusted certificates, which in turn minimizes costs and complications for organizations that no longer need to handle those complex tasks in-house.
Organizations that do partner with HID Global still retain control over their data. The PKIaaS solution offers built-in support for the Microsoft Autoenrollment protocol connector as of mid-October, and for the SCEP, EST, and ACME certificate management protocols. It can also be integrated into other third-party tools with the use of the RESTful API.
The HID PKIaaS offering comes with the HID Hydrant Account Certificate Manager, which was officially unveiled in March. HID Global has since obtained Calypso certification for its SOMA Atlas mobile transit ticketing solution, and it was one of several contributors to a Paravision funding round that came in at a total of $23 million.
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