HID Global’s IdenTrust Enterprise Solution is officially compliant with the SAFE-BioPharma Association’s digital identity and signature standards. SAFE-BioPharma is a regulatory association that sets digital security standards for the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries, so the newly announced certification makes HID Global a trusted access management partner for all of SAFE-BioPharma’s member organizations.
IdenTrust was recently named the world’s top digital certification platform, and offers a full suite of access management solutions that utilize digital certificates and two-factor authentication to safeguard networks and systems in a number of different industries. As it relates to healthcare specifically, the platform’s digital signature capabilities will allow doctors to sign medical documents and write legal ePrescriptions that satisfy the DEA’s strict requirements for Electronic Prescriptions of Controlled Substances.
“Knowing who is accessing systems or signing documents is critical in the healthcare industry, where the impact of a mistake or malicious action can have serious implications for patient safety,” explained Matt King, the Director of the SAFE-BioPharma Association.
“We look forward to helping SAFE-BioPharma members solve challenges related to regulatory compliance, end-user authentication, digital signing, and data protection,” added HID Global VP Brad Jarvis.
IdenTrust has proven popular in the financial services industry, having been the top-selling access management solution in the Temenos Marketplace platform last year. HID Global’s authentication and security software should offer even bigger benefits to the healthcare industry, where many organizations are still at risk thanks to the prevalence of outdated legacy systems.
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