“…one of the initiative’s flagship products is the HID goID platform, which enables government authorities to issue mobile-based official documents such as passports and driver licenses.”
HID Global has announced a new mobility initiative through which it plans to offer a range of products and services in the area of mobile-based identity solutions.
Announced at this week’s ISC West security conference, one of the initiative’s flagship products is the HID goID platform, which enables government authorities to issue mobile-based official documents such as passports and driver licenses. The product could help to pioneer the concept, which is already being explored by agencies like the Iowa Department of Transportation, and could take off as individuals’ phones are increasingly used to store their important personal data such as credit card information.
HID Global has also announced improvements to its HID Mobile Access platform, the company’s mobile-based access control platform. It’s now compatible with Apple Watch and Android Wear devices and other tablets, and HID Global has announced new app SDKs to help third party developers create custom solutions.
With a number of other mobile solutions already available and new HID Professional Services aimed at helping customers to develop their own implementations, HID Global’s mobile initiative should offer a pretty comprehensive range of solutions as it continues to unfold.
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