Security consulting firm ISE (Independent Security Evaluators) is organizing an Internet of Things hackathon at this year’s DEF CON security conference in Las Vegas. Called the IoT Village, the event invites participating companies to explore security issues related to the IoT ecosystem.
The organization is also calling for organizations to suggest learning platforms for the event such as tutorials, workshops, games, and any other innovative ideas. Dubbed ‘Call for X’, the request for ideas will accept submissions up until June 30th. And in addition to providing a wide range of devices with which to explore IoT vulnerabilities, from medical devices to toys, ISE has also instituted a Bring Your Own Thing (BYOT) policy, inviting participants to bring in their own devices to discuss any security issues they’ve discovered therein.
The event presents a valuable opportunity for IoT stakeholders to work together to tackle the pressing issue of security. The breadth and variety of the IoT has led more than one security expert to issue warnings about security standards, and now that a number of major players are starting to invest heavily in the burgeoning industry, we’re starting to see some real interest in establishing open standards through collectives such as the AllSeen Alliance.
The IoT village will run from August 6th to 9th at DEF CON 23.
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