Sber has released a new SmartBadge solution that records a conversation between an employee and a client to turn that conversation into actionable data. The SmartBadge was developed by SberDevices, and features speech recognition software from the Speech Technology Center, which is part of the broader Sber Ecosystem.

The Badge itself is built with four MEMS microphones, which allows it to isolate the voices of both speakers during a conversation. The system will record those voices as two separate audio tracks, and then convert both tracks into text for subsequent analysis. The results can be used to train employees, improve customer service, and boost sales, based on an examination of the specific keywords and phrases that are most effective when used with clients.
The Speech Technology Center’s speech recognition software facilitates that conversion process. The SmartBadge, meanwhile, is a wearable badge with an e-ink display that allows a larger staff to share and circulate a smaller number of individual devices. The solution also comes with a docking system for charging devices and downloading data. Employees need to use an RFID tag or an ID card to release a device from the dock, at which point the Badge will automatically display their proper name and title.
Data stored on the SmartBadges is encrypted at the hardware level, and is further protected with digital signatures. As a result, the data remains inaccessible to hackers even if one of the Badges ends up going missing. Downloaded data is stored in the cloud, though the dock can hold 250 hours of audio in an emergency. Sber’s BI.ZONE team contributed to the development of the device’s security framework.
“SmartBadge is a convenient and user-friendly device that can be applied in a wide variety of areas — from retail to medicine,” said SberDevices CEO and Sberbank SVP Konstantin Kruglov.
“SmartBadge gives a supervisor the opportunity to assess the quality of the customer service process at any level: from company-wide statistics to a specific session of communication – and to promptly make the necessary decisions.”
The Speech Technology Center currently offers support for Russian, English, Spanish, and Arabic, though it plans to expand that lineup in the future. The company started offering speech analysis services through the cloud in April of 2020. Sberbank, meanwhile, has provided facial recognition technology for a naked payments trial with Russia’s X5 Retail Group.
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