Signicat has integrated the Yes open identity scheme into its Digital Identity Platform. Yes’s scheme essentially functions like a more secure version of Facebook, allowing users to perform a single sign-in to gain access to a range of digital services from participating businesses.
The difference is that Yes customers log in through their bank rather than a social media network, which provides a much higher level of trust and security. Yes is PSD2 and eIDAS compliant, and will get an additional security boost from Signicat’s identity verification and authentication platform.
“Today’s consumers are used to social media logins granting access to services quickly and simply,” said Yes Co-founder and CEO Daniel Goldscheider. “We want to create that same level of ease for users we know we can trust—authorising payments, signing contracts, and more through a simple one-button interface.”
At the moment, the Yes integration is only available in Germany, although the network is compliant with legal standards across Europe. The joint initiative should simplify the digital onboarding process for Signicat customers, and will also enable electronic signing.
The Yes arrangement represents the latest step in Signicat’s ongoing efforts to expand its reach in Europe. The Norwegian company has already formed partnerships with Itsme and Verimi, and is rapidly establishing itself as one of the leading digital identity providers in the region.
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