Iris biometrics measure the unique patterns in the colored part of a user’s eye. Incredibly accurate, quick and contactless, biometrics that scan a user’s irises have found their way into a number of mobile and Internet of Things devices in recent years.
Samsung notably embraced iris recognition to differentiate some of the recent premium devices in its Galaxy line of smartphones. But iris biometrics’ accuracy and contactless nature may prove to be most impactful in the emerging world of automotive biometrics, with applications in the driver side visor or the rear-view mirror enabling hands-free authentication while on the road.
Iris recognition technology has also been implemented in devices like flash drives, VR headsets, and in-the-field military devices.
Going forward, with demand for accurate, contactless authentication methods expected to increase – especially those that don’t need a view of the subject’s entire face – iris biometrics could be implemented in many more applications across a wide range of sectors.
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