“The development comes about a year after Veridium upgraded the VeridiumID platform to support biometric authentication through mobile apps, and about a month after it enabled VeridiumID support for Citrix Cloud and other Azure Active Directory apps.”
A major Swiss bank is going to use VeridiumID across its entire enterprise environment.
In a statement announcing the development, Veridium did not name its new client, referring to it only as “a multinational Swiss bank”. But the company did elaborate that the client will take advantage of smartphone-based biometric authentication for access to Microsoft Active Directory and Citrix environments. The new authentication system will replace passwords, swipe cards, and tokens.
In implementing this new authentication system, the company said, its client is “increasing security and the productivity of its employees by cutting down on the time and expense of password resets and help desk calls.”
The development comes about a year after Veridium upgraded the VeridiumID platform to support biometric authentication through mobile apps, and about a month after it enabled VeridiumID support for Citrix Cloud and other Azure Active Directory apps. The platform is designed to allow biometric matching to be performed on either the server or the user’s device, depending on an organization’s needs, and it also support behavioral analytics to offer an additional level of security.
(Originally posted on FindBiometrics)
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