The digital world is an increasingly scary place, with each passing year delivering new data breach and hacking events in which consumers’ Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is spilled into the dark web and afflicted organizations suffer significant damages to their operations and their reputations. But digital security is evolving, too, and there are compelling solutions to the data breach dilemma that are available today.
Biometric platforms have emerged that, if deployed properly, can greatly mitigate the negative effects of data breaches on businesses and their customers. Remote enrollment and identity proofing technology, enabled by biometrics, document reading and certified liveness detection, creates a solid foundation of true identity that forms the foundation for strong authentication in an unimpeachable chain of trust.
Such is the subject of FindBiometrics’ latest white paper, sponsored by Jumio and FaceTec: “Trusted Identity: From Start to Finish.”
With data breaches now an ongoing problem for businesses, government agencies, and various other organizations, it’s crucial to understand how this compromised cyber security landscape maintains a cycle of hacking and fraud, and how that cycle can be broken through the use of a “trust anchor” and continuous strong authentication. It’s also critical to understand the importance of liveness detection as spoofing techniques grow ever more sophisticated – and why not all liveness detection systems are what they claim to be.
All of this is detailed in “Trusted Identity: From Start to Finish.” The report is free, and many CISOs and other executive decision makers will find its insights invaluable.
(Originally posted on FindBiometrics)
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