“It stands in contrast with that of Apple, which has maintained its closed system approach with Apple Pay, which has avoided integration with other payment apps.”
Android Pay has attained the support of five additional financial services companies – Bank of America, Bank of New Zealand, Discover, mBank, and USAA.
Announcing the banks’ support in a blog post, Google’s Global Head of Payment Products, Pali Bhat, noted that even users who haven’t downloaded the Android mobile wallet will see it as a payment option on “select mobile banking apps,” adding that the new suite of partnerships “expands Android Pay’s capabilities as an open platform”.
Indeed, Google recently announced partnership that will see PayPal enabled as a payment option on Android Pay, further indicating Google’s collaborative approach to the growing mPayments market. It stands in contrast with that of Apple, which has maintained its closed system approach with Apple Pay, which has avoided integration with other payment apps.
According to a recent analysis from Juniper Research, Android Pay has lagged behind rivals Samsung Pay and Apple Pay, having attained an estimated 12 million users last year, compared to Samsung Pay’s 18 million and Apple Pay’s 45 million. Nevertheless, the market research firm expects Android Pay to double its user base by the end of 2017.
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