“Now, the company’s clients can take advantage of FaceTec’s flagship mobile solution, which leverages mobile video for 3D facial recognition, allowing end users to confirm their identity with a video selfie.”
A Mexico-based authentication platform has embraced FaceTec‘s ZoOm technology.
Founded in 2006, Karalundi is the company behind Koala VSP, a customer verification platform used by organizations in the financial services and telecommunications sectors in Latin America and the US. Now, the company’s clients can take advantage of FaceTec’s flagship mobile solution, which leverages mobile video for 3D facial recognition, allowing end users to confirm their identity with a video selfie.
It’s convenient for the end user, but it also offers considerable security, with FaceTec asserting that the solution can be configured to offer a False Acceptance Rate as low as one in a million, and it’s that level of security that appears to have been the primary appeal for Karalundi. In a statement, Karalundi President Manuel Rojas said that “[i]t is more important than ever Mexico’s banking customers have access to the most advanced mobile security available,” and thus his organization “chose FaceTec’s ZoOm 3D face authenticator for its uniquely high levels of Liveness Detection and identity verification accuracy and it’s equally important fast and intuitive user experience.”
Karalundi’s embrace of the solution comes at a time of growing mainstream adoption of mobile facial recognition – and even considerable enthusiasm for it – thanks in large part to Apple’s iPhone X, in which 3D facial recognition has been made the primary authentication mechanism. For its part, the ZoOm SDK is available on both iOS and Android in a package smaller than 20MB, and was launched this past summer.
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