Mitek’s mobile onboarding platform now offers NFC capabilities. The utility is expected to reduce processing times and increase conversion rates in identity verification workflows.

In its previous incarnation, Mitek’s onboarding solution asked users to take a photo of their identity document. The platform would then use document recognition to verify its authenticity before comparing the photo on the document to a selfie with liveness detection.
The new NFC technology will streamline that process. Instead of requiring a photo, the app will be able to extract the user’s biometric information from an NFC chip with a simple scan, though the user will still need to take a selfie to complete the liveness check. The technology is compatible with any identity document that features an embedded NFC chip, while legacy documents without a chip can still be verified using the original photo method.
According to Mitek, the new technology will help guard against synthetic identity fraud, and help to meet the rising demand for secure identity verification solutions. The solution is compliant with international regulations, and is designed primarily for the financial sector.
“In 2020 we’ve seen an unprecedented rise in demand for safe and secure digital authentication of identities,” added Mitek VP and Global Product Head Sanjay Gupta. “With NFC technology, we can offer a complete digital identity verification solution that prioritises customer experience without compromising security.”
Mitek recently provided document verification technology for KYS-Tech’s online notary platform. The company has previously reported that consumers are still wary of digital identity technology, although there is a chance that those views have shifted due to the increase in remote activity (and rising comfort levels) during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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