This week’s roundup of Mobile ID World’s top stories is about as varied as they come, with stories spanning smart car tech, online gambling, biometric payment cards, and more.
But if there’s any theme to discern in this lineup, it may perhaps be dealmaking. Three of this week’s top stories involved companies teaming together on some joint effort, whether it was Novibet working with Jumio to secure its online gambling platform, Precise Biometrics signing a deal with an Asian fingerprint sensor supplier to license its biometric algorithm software, or Samsung SDS investing in the SentinelOne digital security firm:
Online Gambling Operator Looks to Jumio for User-Friendly Regulatory Compliance
New Agreement Validates Precise Biometrics’ Strategies in Changing Mobile Market
Samsung SDS Invests in EDR Specialist SentinelOne
There’s also all kinds of dealmaking going on in the world of biometric payment cards, where Precise Biometrics and NXP Semiconductors have formed a particularly important partnership. So it’s no wonder our interview with executives from both companies proved popular:
PODCAST: Discussing the Future of Payment Cards with Precise Biometrics and NXP Semiconductors
And the last of our top stories concerns a different kind of deal entirely, with Nuance Communications shaking hands with the new executive who will lead its Nuance Automotive spinoff:
Nuance Hires Sanjay Dhawan to Lead Automotive Spin-off
Stay posted to Mobile ID World next week as we continue to bring you the latest news and interviews from the exciting world of digital identity. To see the hottest stories of the week in biometrics, visit our sibling site FindBiometrics.
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