IDEMIA has launched a new Global Fintech Accelerator Card Program to make it easier for FinTech partners to design and issue next-generation smart cards. The Accelerator Program covers every stage of the card process, from customer onboarding all the way through to the eventual issuing and use of the card itself.
The companies that join the Accelerator will benefit from IDEMIA’s extensive expertise in the card industry, and from its international network of Service Centers. The company currently operates 30 Centers in 26 different countries, allowing it to provide localized solutions and deliver cards for partners all over the world. Meanwhile, the Common Personalization System (CPS) and the IDEMIA Hub make it easier for financial institutions to adopt new technologies and scale their services as they expand internationally.
IDEMIA will consult with each partner to design a card that meets that company’s respective needs, with designs that leverage IDEMIA’s entire card portfolio. Customization options include metal cards, biometric cards, and recycled cards, in addition to Motion Code and general packaging. The biometric cards are based on IDEMIA’s F.CODE fingerprint technology, while the recycled cards are part of the company’s new GREENPAY portfolio. MOTION CODE, meanwhile, is a dynamic security feature that changes a card’s CVC code every four hours.
The Accelerator Card Program also includes digital services. Partners can use IDEMIA’s digital identity tech to facilitate mobile onboarding, or to integrate new payment options into their own mobile banking apps. Finally, the Card Connect feature allows users to tap a contactless card to their phone to activate it, or to verify their identity during subsequent interactions.
“We recognize that the FinTech world needs to move quickly,” said IDEMIA Global Accounts and FinTechs SVP Stuart Yaxley. “Our Accelerator Card Program ensures that we can help the processors, BaaS providers and FinTech customers get their products to market as quickly as possible and expand globally without the need to start a new project in each country.”
IDEMIA is currently moving towards the commercialization of biometric cards through a pilot program carried out in collaboration with Zwipe and IDEX Biometrics.
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