Yubico has moved forward with the official launch of its YubiEnterprise Delivery service. The company first announced its new YubiEnterprise Services back in February, but indicated that YubiEnterprise Delivery would not be available until the second quarter of 2020.

The second quarter has now arrived, and Yubico is sticking to its original schedule. The company notes that the launch is particularly timely given the events that have transpired since the initial announcement. Many people are now working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, making it more difficult to distribute YubiKeys to employees who are no longer operating out of a central location.
YubiEnterprise Delivery was designed to solve that specific problem, and will ship new YubiKeys directly to employees. Enterprises can place individual orders through the YubiEnterprise console, or bulk orders through a CSV file upload. They can also use an API to automate their shipments, and configure the system to send a new YubiKey to employees as part of their onboarding and registration process.
At the moment, YubiEnterprise Delivery will only be available to enterprises that are based in the U.S. and Canada, although the service will ship YubiKeys to individual employees in more than 30 additional countries in Europe. Organizations that sign up (and pay) for a three-year subscription before June 26 will be eligible for free YubiEnterprise Delivery shipments in the U.S. and Canada until September 30.
While the YubiEnterprise Delivery service is new, Yubico has provided security advice for organizations that are struggling to adapt to a remote work environment during the pandemic. The company has repeatedly stressed the importance of multi-factor authentication, especially given the rise in social engineering attacks in the wake of COVID-19.
Yubico’s latest report on Password and Authentication Behaviors showed that many workplaces have still not implemented security best practices.
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